From Classical to Jazz an Improvisation Method by Joshua Pantoja
From Classical to Jazz an Improvisation Method by Joshua Pantoja
From Classical to Jazz an Improvisation Method is a book specially made for classically trained musicians who would like to adventure into improvisation and jazz. It was first intended for french horn but as I was developing it, I realized that it could easily be adapted to any instrument because it is mainly based on the Circle of 4ths. It’s a book full exercises that includes Major and Minor pentatonic scales, Blues scales, Chord tones, Modes and much more information that will help you when having to improvise and when there is no written music around. It is a very fun method, you can be very creative with it, adapted to your own level of execution, you can use a classical articulation or a jazz articulation, all depends in what do you want to work on. Hope you enjoy it. Please send a me a personal message if you would like to acquire the book. *I made Practice Tracks as a complement for the book.