Brand: Lawler
Model: T/ XL
Condition: Used, Very good
Year: N/A
Key: Bb
Bore: .468"
Bell Size/Material: 5" Red brass
Finish: Silver
Case: Yes, Sonare-branded ProTec-style single case.
Oil: Yamaha Regular
Used Lawler Model T/XL in silver, very good condition. It has an XL bore (.468"), 1A leadpipe, and 5R bell. This horn went through our repair shop for a cleaning and precision valve alignment. There is some evidence of the beginnings of red rot in the leadpipe, but it is very minor and there's lots of life left in this trumpet. It plays very free-blowing with a big, broad sound that can be bright or dark depending on mouthpiece. Comes with Sonare-branded ProTec-style single case.